
Welcome to THE IDΞNT COLLECTIVE. This NFT project is a meditation on the anonymity mask you can choose to wear, and a celebration of the divine freedom to opt to do so.




There is a SECRET CODE embedded in each NFT. The code points to a website hosting a complete list of all 10,000 of the world's most commonly used passwords - for all your hacking needs.Holders need to HACK THIS NFT to find the code:

Step 1: Access original .png file

Certain NFT platforms, browsers, and devices will default to downloading a .avif file format of your NFT. While it is possible to detect the hidden code in the .avif, to access it in a readable format you need to download the original .png file.

  • Try downloading the image using your standard device and browser. Several Android phones will access the .png using the standard Google browser, for instance.

  • But if you cannot access the .png using your standard setup, one of the easiest ways to do that is to view your NFT on Rarible. Purchased, ETH minted NFTs from THE IDENT COLLECTIVE may be viewed here. Then under "Details" choose "Open original" to access the .png file:

Step 2: Image Asset Hacking

The secret code embedded in THE IDΞNT COLLECTIVE nft is hidden using steganography:

To reveal the hidden code, perform standard steganographic analysis (or "steganalysis") on the .png version of your NFT.If you are comfortable coding, there are many tools and instructionals online:

Or if you would rather use a "no code" online tool, here are two options:

NFT Features

  • Anonymity Masks

  • Background of Passwords

  • Hidden Code

Mask Traits

  • right eye - 13 iterations

  • left eye - 16 iterations

  • head - 16 iterations

  • mouth - 9 iterations